Introduction to Generalized Least Squares Regression with Morpheus

Author: Xavier Witdouck

One of the Gauss Markov assumptions that must be met for OLS to be the Best, Linear, Unbiased Estimator (BLUE) is that of spherical errors. More specifically, the assumption states that the error or disturbance term in the model must exhibit uniform variance (i.e., homoscedasticity), and that there is no autocorrelation between errors. In the real world, this assumption will not always hold, and errors may exhibit heteroscedasticity or autocorrelation or both. This article introduces a Generalized Least Squares (GLS) model which is appropriate estimator in these cases.


One of the Gauss Markov assumptions that has to be met in order for OLS to be the Best, Linear, Unbiased Estimator (BLUE) is that of spherical errors. More specifically, the assumption states that the error or disturbance term in the model must exhibit uniform variance (i.e. homoscedasticity), and also that there is no autocorrelation between errors.

In the real world, this assumption will not always hold, and errors may exhibit heteroscedasticity or autocorrelation or both. When the errors in a regression show no serial correlation but are heteroscedastic, then a Weighted Least Squares (WLS) model should be used, whereas if correlation is present a Generalized Least Squares (GLS) model is appropriate. WLS is in fact a special case of GLS where the the lack of autocorrelation implies that the off diagonal terms of the covariance matrix of the errors are zero, thus simplifying the analysis.

The following section covers some of the theory behind GLS, provides an example of how to apply it with the Morpheus API, and then goes onto demonstrate empirically the unbiased, consistent and efficient nature of the estimator.


A Generalized Least Squares model is based on the usual linear equation, however we now assume that the error term has a variance structure that is described by a covariance matrix \(\Omega\), which differs from the OLS model which assumes white noise in the form of \(\sigma^2 I\).

$$ Y = X \beta + \epsilon \ \ \ \ where \ E[\epsilon]=0 \ \ \ \ Var(\epsilon) = \sigma^2 \Omega  $$

Given that the presence of serial correlation and possibly heteroscedasticity is a violation of one of the Gauss Markov assumptions, OLS is no longer BLUE. To address this, we follow the same strategy as in Weighted Least Squares, where we consider the existence of an unknown matrix P that when applied to both sides of the model equation, transforms it in such a way that the transformed system exhibits spherical errors. If such a matrix P exists, we can apply OLS to the transformed system given that it satisfies the Gauss Markov assumptions. Consider the transformed system below:

$$ P Y = P X \beta + P \epsilon \ \ \ \ where \ E[P\epsilon]=0 \ \ \ \ Var(P\epsilon) = \sigma^2 I $$

The next step is to solve for P in terms of something we can observe or estimate. As it turns out, it is possible to solve for P in terms of \(\Omega\) which itself can be estimated from the sample data of whatever problem happens to be under investigation.  Based on an assumption that P is a symmetric matrix and therefore \(P^T = P\), we can express \(P\) in terms of \(\Omega\) as follows:

$$ \begin{align}
Var(P \epsilon) & = \sigma^2 I \\\\
P Var(\epsilon) P^T & = \sigma^2 I \\\\
\sigma^2 P \Omega P^T & = \sigma^2 I \\\\
P \Omega P^ T & = I \\\\
\Omega P^T & = P^{-1} \\\\
\Omega & = (P^2)^{-1} \\\\
P & = \Omega^{-\frac{1}{2}}
\end{align} $$

This analysis suggests that the transform matrix P is in fact equal to \(\Omega^{-\frac{1}{2}}\), and when applied to our original model, should yield a new model with spherical errors against which we can apply a standard OLS estimator.Let us re-write the transformed model in terms of Z, B and E as follows:

$$ Z = B \beta + E \ \ \ \  where \ Z = P Y, \ \ B = PX, \ \ and \\ E = P \epsilon $$

We can use the standard OLS estimator for this since we know the residuals constitute white noise:

$$ \hat{\beta}_{ols} = (B^T B)^{-1} B^T Z $$

Knowing that \(B=PX\) we can write the GLS estimator as follows:

$$ \hat{\beta}_{gls} = (X^T P^T P X)^{-1} X^T P^T P Y  $$

Substituting \(\Omega\) for P:

$$ \hat{\beta}_{gls} = (X^T \Omega^{-1} X)^{-1} X^T \Omega^{-1} Y $$

Given the \(\hat{\beta}_{gls}\) expression above, it is clear that some estimate of \(\Omega\) is required. Note that the absolute scale of \(\Omega\) is not required to be known up front since the scale comes from \(\sigma^2\) in the expression \(Var(\epsilon)=\sigma^2\Omega\). If the errors are uncorrelated but exhibit non-uniform variance, \(\Omega\) is a diagonal matrix such that all off diagonal terms are zero, and the problem becomes WLS. If the errors are correlated, which is often the case in time series data, the off diagonal terms will be non-zero.


To demonstrate a GLS regression using the Morpheus API, we will define a data generating function which we can use to create a sample dataset with the appropriate characteristics (i.e. serially correlated errors in a linear regression). For convenience, we will limit the dataset to two dimensions so that the results are easy to visualize. Furthermore, to make our life easier in the context of this example, we will enforce a correlation structure in the error term, namely that of a autoregressive process of order 1, or AR(1) for short. Knowing this upfront makes the estimation of \(\Omega\) easy. Let us define our data generating process as follows:

$$ y_{t} = \alpha + \beta x_{t} + u_{t} $$

$$ u_{t} = \rho u_{t-1} + \epsilon_{t} $$

Here we impose a structure on the error term of the form dictated by the second equation, which suggests that an error at time \(t\) is equal to the prior error multiplied by some correlation coefficient \(\rho\) where \(|\rho|<1\) plus white noise in the form of ϵ which is assumed to be \(N(0,\sigma^2)\). The code below defines a function that is parameterized as per the above equations, and returns a DataFrame with two columns containing the X and Y values output by this model.

 * Returns a DataFrame of X & Y values based on the coefficients provided.
 * Noise is added to the dependent variable based on an AR(1) process
 * @param alpha     the intercept term for population process
 * @param beta      the slope term for population process
 * @param rho       the AR(1) coefficient used to generate serially correlated errors
 * @param sigma     the std deviation of the normal distribution for noise
 * @param seed      if true, initialize with a fixed seed for reproducible results
 * @return          the frame of XY values with serially correlated residuals
DataFrame sample(double alpha, double beta, double rho, double sigma, int n, boolean seed) {
    var startX = 1d;
    var stepX = 0.5d;
    var rand = seed ? new Well19937c(1234565) : new Well19937c();
    var noise = new NormalDistribution(rand, 0, sigma);
    var xValues = Array.of(Double.class, n).applyDoubles(v -> startX + v.index() * stepX);
    var rowKeys = Range.of(0, n).toArray();
    return DataFrame.of(rowKeys, String.class, columns -> {
        columns.add("X", xValues);
        columns.add("Y", Array.of(Double.class, n).applyDoubles(v -> {
            var xValue = xValues.getDouble(v.index());
            var yFitted = alpha + beta * xValue;
            if (v.index() == 0) return yFitted + noise.sample();
            else {
                var priorX = xValues.getDouble(v.index()-1);
                var priorY = v.array().getDouble(v.index()-1);
                var priorError = priorY - (alpha + beta * priorX);
                var error = rho * priorError + noise.sample();
                return yFitted + error;

To get a sense of what this data looks like, we can generate 4 random samples and plot them as below, while fitting an OLS regression model to the data. The serial correlation in the residuals should be fairly obvious given that we can see a sequence of errors above the regression line followed by a sequence below the line, which clearly is not typical of white noise.

The code to generate these plots is as follows:

var n = 100;
var rho = 0.5d;
var beta = 4d;
var alpha = 20d;
var sigma = 10d;, IntStream.range(0, 4).mapToObj(i -> {
    var frame = sample(alpha, beta, rho, sigma, n, false);
    var title = "Sample %s Dataset, Beta: %.2f Alpha: %.2f";
    var subtitle = "Parameter estimates, Beta^: %.3f, Alpha^: %.3f";
    var ols = frame.regress().ols("Y", "X", true, Optional::of).get();
    var betaHat = ols.getBetaValue("X", DataFrameLeastSquares.Field.PARAMETER);
    var alphaHat = ols.getInterceptValue(DataFrameLeastSquares.Field.PARAMETER);
    return Chart.create().withScatterPlot(frame, false, "X", chart -> {
        chart.title().withText(String.format(title, i, beta, alpha));
        chart.title().withFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 14));
        chart.subtitle().withText(String.format(subtitle, betaHat, alphaHat));

In the real world we would obviously not know if there was serial correlation in the residuals, and if there was, what type of model might be appropriate for modeling it. Other than looking at a scatter plot, there are various ways of checking for the presence of serial correlation. One commonly used technique is to compute the Durbin Watson test statistic, which by default is included in the model output generated by the Morpheus library, and is defined as:

$$ d = \frac{\sum_{t=2}^T (u_{t} - u_{t-1}^2)}{\sum_{t=1}^T u_{t}^2} $$

The value of this statistic lies between 0 and 4, and if it is substantially less than 2, there is evidence for positive serial correlation. For more details on this statistic, consult the above link. The code below runs an OLS regression given a sample of our data and prints the model results to standard out. The Durbin Watson statistic comes out to be 1.0603 which is highly suggestive that there is positive serial correlation in the residuals.

var n = 100;
var rho = 0.5d;
var beta = 4d;
var alpha = 20d;
var sigma = 10d;
var frame = sample(alpha, beta, rho, sigma, n, true);
frame.regress().ols("Y", "X", true, model -> {
    return Optional.empty();
                                  Linear Regression Results                                                            
Model:                                   OLS    R-Squared:                            0.9583
Observations:                            100    R-Squared(adjusted):                  0.9579
DF Model:                                  1    F-Statistic:                       2253.2056
DF Residuals:                             98    F-Statistic(Prob):                       0E0
Standard Error:                      11.5149    Runtime(millis)                           51
Durbin-Watson:                        1.0603                                                
   Index    |  PARAMETER  |  STD_ERROR  |  T_STAT   |   P_VALUE   |  CI_LOWER  |  CI_UPPER  |
 Intercept  |    26.3017  |     2.3551  |   11.168  |  3.607E-19  |   21.6281  |   30.9753  |
         X  |     3.7871  |     0.0798  |  47.4679  |  1.955E-69  |    3.6288  |    3.9454  |

Once we have established a belief that the residuals are serially correlated, and therefore OLS is no longer BLUE, we then need to understand the nature of the serial correlation. In this example we know the structure comes from an AR(1) process, but in reality some analysis of the residuals will be required in order to come up with a reasonable model, and hence some estimation of the covariance matrix \(\Omega\). A common first task would be to plot the autocorrelation function of the residuals, which is a visualization usually referred to as a correlogram, and is illustrated below for this example. The peak at lag1 clearly breaches the upper bound of the 95% confidence interval represented by the dashed blue line (the bar at lag 0 is by definition equal to 1).

The code to generate this plot is shown below, which effectively runs an OLS regression and then passes the resulting model object to the chart acf() function, which is an abbreviation for Autocorrelation Function. In addition, the third argument to the acf() method is the significance level to use in order to generate the confidence intervals for the ACF. In this case, we chose a 5% level of significance, resulting in the dashed blue lines representing the 95% confidence intervals.

var n = 200;
var rho = 0.5d;
var beta = 4d;
var alpha = 20d;
var sigma = 10d;
var frame = sample(alpha, beta, rho, sigma, n, true);
frame.regress().ols("Y", "X", true, model -> {
    Chart.create().withAcf(model, frame.rowCount()/2, 0.05d, chart -> {
        var rhoHat = model.getResiduals().colAt(0).stats().autocorr(1);
        chart.title().withText("Residual Autocorrelation Plot");
        chart.subtitle().withText(String.format("Autocorrelation Lag 1 = %.3f", rhoHat));, 300);
    return Optional.empty();

We have now established that there is serial correlation in the residuals based on the Durbin Watson test statistic, and we can reasonably assume that an AR(1) process is an appropriate model for the residuals based on our observations in the ACF plot. Given this information we now have to estimate Ω which is the covariance matrix of the residuals across all lags in the sample. As it turns out, an AR(1) process has a well defined correlation structure which is described in more detail here, and suggests that the correlation between two observations k periods apart is equal to ρk.

The elements of the \(\Omega\) matrix can therefore be easily computed since the entry in the \(i^{th}\) row and \(j^{th}\) column will simply be \(\rho^{|i-j|}\). The code below returns a DataFrame to represent \(\Omega\) given the value of \(\rho\), which should be the autocorrelation coefficient at lag 1 calculated from the residuals, and the sample size of the data since \(\Omega\) has nxn dimensions.

 * Returns the correlation matrix omega for an AR(1) process
 * @param size      the size for the correlation matrix
 * @param autocorr  the auto correlation coefficient
 * @return          the newly created correlation matrix
private DataFrame createOmega(int size, double autocorr) {
    var keys = Range.of(0, size);
    return DataFrame.ofDoubles(keys, keys, v -> {
        return Math.pow(autocorr,  Math.abs(v.rowOrdinal() - v.colOrdinal()));

Now that we have an estimate for \(\Omega\) we can run a GLS regression which is illustrated by the code and results below. While we specify our value of ρ upfront in order to generate our data sample, we first run an OLS regression so that we can calculate an estimate of \(\hat{\rho}\) based on the autocorrelation coefficient of the residuals with lag 1. This \(\hat{\rho}\) estimate is then used to construct \(\Omega\) which we pass to the gls() method on the DataFrameRegression interface.

var n = 100;
var rho = 0.5d;
var beta = 4d;
var alpha = 20d;
var sigma = 10d;
var frame = sample(alpha, beta, rho, sigma, n, true);
frame.regress().ols("Y", "X", true, ols -> {
    var rhoHat = ols.getResiduals().colAt(0).stats().autocorr(1);
    var omega = createOmega(n, rhoHat);
    frame.regress().gls("Y", "X", omega, true, gls -> {
        return Optional.empty();
    return Optional.empty();
                                  Linear Regression Results                                                            
Model:                                   GLS    R-Squared:                            0.9080
Observations:                            100    R-Squared(adjusted):                  0.9071
DF Model:                                  1    F-Statistic:                        967.2651
DF Residuals:                             98    F-Statistic(Prob):                       0E0
Standard Error:                      11.5135    Runtime(millis)                           49
Durbin-Watson:                        1.8814                                                
   Index    |  PARAMETER  |  STD_ERROR  |  T_STAT   |   P_VALUE   |  CI_LOWER  |  CI_UPPER  |
 Intercept  |    26.3744  |     3.8188  |   6.9065  |   5.01E-10  |   18.7961  |   33.9527  |
         X  |     3.7934  |     0.1288  |  29.4463  |  1.796E-50  |    3.5378  |    4.0491  |

The coefficient estimates from the GLS regression are very close to that produced by the OLS model, however the standard errors are higher for GLS, and the 95% confidence intervals substantially wider. One of the known problems with OLS in the presence of serially correlated errors is that it yields downwardly biased estimates of the standard errors, and therefore statistical inference from these is unreliable. In this particular problem, the OLS parameter confidence interval includes the known population values, but the magnitude of the noise that drives the residuals is relatively small, so this will not always be the case.


As per the OLS and WLS examples, here we attempt to demonstrate empirically the unbiased nature of the GLS estimator. We have already introduced our data generating process earlier (see sample() function above), which can be used to manufacture many data samples on which we can fit a GLS model, while collecting all the parameter estimates for each run. The code below generates100,000 samples of data with n=100, runs a GLS regression on each, and then plots the frequency distribution of the slope and intercept estimates. As expected, we get a bell shaped normal distribution centered on the known population values for both the slope and intercept parameters.

var n = 100;
var rho = 0.5d;
var beta = 4d;
var alpha = 20d;
var sigma = 20d;
var regressionCount = 100000;
var rows = Range.of(0, regressionCount);
var columns = Array.of("Beta", "Alpha");
var results = DataFrame.ofDoubles(rows, columns);

//Run regressions in parallel to leverage all 4 cores...
results.rows().parallel().forEach(row -> {
    var frame = sample(alpha, beta, rho, sigma, n, false);
    frame.regress().ols("Y", "X", true, ols -> {
        var rhoHat = ols.getResiduals().colAt(0).stats().autocorr(1);
        var omega = createOmega(frame.rowCount(), rhoHat);
        frame.regress().gls("Y", "X", omega, true, model -> {
            var alphaHat = model.getInterceptValue(Field.PARAMETER);
            var betaHat = model.getBetaValue("X", Field.PARAMETER);
            row.setDouble("Alpha", alphaHat);
            row.setDouble("Beta", betaHat);
            return Optional.empty();
        return Optional.empty();

Array.of("Beta", "Alpha").forEach(coeff -> {
    var coeffResults = results.cols().select(col -> col.key().startsWith(coeff));
    Chart.create().withHistPlot(coeffResults, 250, chart -> {
        var title = "%s Histogram of %s GLS regressions, Rho = %.3f";
        var subtitle = "%s estimate unbiasedness, Actual: %.2f, Mean: %.2f, Variance: %.2f";
        var actual = coeff.equals("Beta") ? beta : alpha;
        var estimate = coeffResults.colAt(coeff).stats().mean();
        var variance = coeffResults.colAt(coeff).stats().variance();
        var color = coeff.equals("Beta") ? new Color(255, 100, 100) : new Color(102, 204, 255);
        chart.plot().axes().domain().label().withText(coeff + " Estimate");
        chart.title().withText(String.format(title, coeff, regressionCount, rho));
        chart.subtitle().withText(String.format(subtitle, coeff, actual, estimate, variance));, 400);


A more efficient estimator implies one with lower sampling error in the parameter estimates than other less efficient estimators. In the case of the WLS example, the relative efficiency versus OLS in the presence of heteroscedastic errors was fairly stark. As it turns out, for the GLS data generating process introduced earlier (see sample() function above), the comparative efficiency with OLS is only marginally better. In this example, I have therefore increased the value of \(\sigma\) to 20 and the value of \(\rho\) to 0.8 in order to get a noticeable difference in the resulting frequency distributions.

The code below again generates 100,000 data samples and runs both OLS and GLS regressions on these. In each case theOLS residuals are used to compute the autocorrelation coefficient with lag 1 which serves as the ρ value that is then used to create the \(\Omega\) matrix for the GLS regression. Both the OLS and GLS parameters are captured in a DataFrame and the results are used to generate the frequency distributions below. The story is slightly less compelling than for the WLS example, however the superior efficiency of GLS in this case is still apparent.

var n = 100;
var rho = 0.8d;
var beta = 4d;
var alpha = 20d;
var sigma = 20d;
var regressionCount = 100000;
var rows = Range.of(0, regressionCount);
var columns = Array.of("Beta(OLS)", "Alpha(OLS)", "Beta(GLS)", "Alpha(GLS)");
var results = DataFrame.ofDoubles(rows, columns);

//Run regressions in parallel to leverage all 4 cores...
results.rows().parallel().forEach(row -> {
    var data = sample(alpha, beta, rho, sigma, n, false);
    data.regress().ols("Y", "X", true, ols -> {
        var alphaHatOls = ols.getInterceptValue(Field.PARAMETER);
        var betaHatOls = ols.getBetaValue("X", Field.PARAMETER);
        row.setDouble("Alpha(OLS)", alphaHatOls);
        row.setDouble("Beta(OLS)", betaHatOls);
        var rhoHat = ols.getResiduals().colAt(0).stats().autocorr(1);
        var omega = createOmega(n, rhoHat);
        data.regress().gls("Y", "X", omega, true, gls -> {
            var alphaHat = gls.getInterceptValue(Field.PARAMETER);
            var betaHat = gls.getBetaValue("X", Field.PARAMETER);
            row.setDouble("Alpha(GLS)", alphaHat);
            row.setDouble("Beta(GLS)", betaHat);
            return Optional.empty();
        return Optional.empty();

Array.of("Alpha", "Beta").forEach(coeff -> {
    var olsKey = coeff + "(OLS)";
    var glsKey = coeff + "(GLS)";
    var data = results.cols().select(olsKey, glsKey);
    Chart.create().withHistPlot(data, 350, chart -> {
        var meanOls = results.colAt(olsKey).stats().mean();
        var stdOls = results.colAt(olsKey).stats().stdDev();
        var meanWls = results.colAt(glsKey).stats().mean();
        var stdWls = results.colAt(glsKey).stats().stdDev();
        var coeffAct = coeff.equals("Alpha") ? alpha : beta;
        var title = "%s Histogram from %s OLS & GLS Regressions (n=%s)";
        var subtitle = "Actual: %.4f, Mean(OLS): %.4f, Std(OLS): %.4f, Mean(GLS): %.4f, Std(GLS): %.4f";
        chart.title().withText(String.format(title, coeff, regressionCount, n));
        chart.title().withFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 15));
        chart.subtitle().withText(String.format(subtitle, coeffAct, meanOls, stdOls, meanWls, stdWls));
        chart.plot().axes().domain().label().withText(coeff + " Estimates");
        chart.legend().on().bottom();, 400);


Finally we consider the consistency of the GLS estimator. A consistent estimator is one where the variance in the estimates decreases as the sample size increases, which was demonstrated empirically to be true for both OLS and WLS.In this case we follow the same procedure whereby we manufacture 100,000 random samples from our data generating process and proceed to fit both OLS and GLS models to each sample. In this case we repeat the process 5 times for sample sizes ranging from 20 to 100 inclusive in steps of 20, and capture all estimates in a DataFrame before plotting the resulting frequency distributions of the parameter estimates.The plots below clearly demonstrate the reduction in estimation variance as the sample size increases, which confirms the consistency of the estimator, at least empirically.

var beta = 4d;
var rho = 0.5d;
var alpha = 20d;
var sigma = 10d;
var regressionCount = 100000;
var sampleSizes = Range.of(20, 120, 20);
var rows = Range.of(0, regressionCount);
var results = DataFrame.of(rows, String.class, columns -> {
    sampleSizes.forEach(n -> {
        columns.add(String.format("Beta(n=%s)", n), Double.class);
        columns.add(String.format("Alpha(n=%s)", n), Double.class);

sampleSizes.forEach(n -> {
    IO.println("Running " + regressionCount + " regressions for n=" + n);
    var betaKey = String.format("Beta(n=%s)", n);
    var alphaKey = String.format("Alpha(n=%s)", n);
    results.rows().parallel().forEach(row -> {
        var data = sample(alpha, beta, rho, sigma, n, false);
        var omega = createOmega(n, rho);
        data.regress().gls("Y", "X", omega, true, model -> {
            var alphaHat = model.getInterceptValue(Field.PARAMETER);
            var betaHat = model.getBetaValue("X", Field.PARAMETER);
            row.setDouble(alphaKey, alphaHat);
            row.setDouble(betaKey, betaHat);
            return Optional.empty();

Array.of("Beta", "Alpha").forEach(coeff -> {
    var coeffResults = results.cols().select(col -> col.key().startsWith(coeff));
    Chart.create().withHistPlot(coeffResults, 250, true, chart -> {
        chart.plot().axes().domain().label().withText("Coefficient Estimate");
        chart.title().withText(coeff + " Histograms of " + regressionCount + " Regressions");
        chart.subtitle().withText(coeff + " Variance decreases as sample size increases");
        chart.legend().on().bottom();, 400);


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